Custom Milling Services
As owners and operators of Twin Pines Alpacas FIbre Mill we understand the dedication and hard work involved to achieve a successful annual fibre harvest. Our mill specializes in alpaca fibre processing, and our experience will help you get the most from your fibre harvest. We treat your fibre like our own - every step of the way.
We do not offer sheep wool processing as we prefer to keep our mill equipment free of lanolin buildup.
Our Experience
Our mill operator (Barb) is both an alpaca farmer and textile designer, holding advanced certificates in camelid (alpaca) fibre sorting and grading. Barb's education and experience will help you make the most of your annual harvest.
Our Mill
Our experience in processing alpaca fibre in the mill utilizes a series of fibre processing equipment to transform your alpaca fibre into finished products. We will communicate with you our mill standards and requirements for all incoming alpaca fibre.
Our Services & Products
Our services include fibre preparation, dehairing, blending, product manufacturing & finishing. Our mill offers a range of products including yarns, rovings, batts and insoles. We can offer our
recommendations on services
based on products desired..
Fibre Preparation Tips
Here are some tips to help you prepare your fibre for our mill.
Quality fibre starts on the farm with clean bedding and feeding stations to keep the fibre clean. Work with an experienced alpaca shear to plan your harvest; ensure your herds' fibre is not wet/damp due to weather; prevent contamination of fibre harvest with waste and short cuts; collect, label and store dry fibre with moth prevention in mind.
Skirting fibre is an easy and important skill to learn in preparing your fibre for the mill. A well skirted fibre is uniform in length, free of vegetation, excessive dirt and coarse hair/fibres. With practice a well skirted blanket will take just 15 minutes to complete. The time you invest to skirt well, saves you money and pays off in the quality of the finished product.
Keep track of the weight, colour and staple length of each blanket or neck cut to be milled. Milling fibre requires both a minimum and uniform staple length; and, sufficient incoming weight to make a desired product. We will review your information with you to help you make the most of your harvest at time of order.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to your commonly asked questions.
Staple Length
A well skirted fleece with uniform length is required for milling.
Uniform staple length is required for milling. The staple length must be at minimum 2.5" to a maximum of 5.5" with no more than 1.5" variation in staple length.
Date of Harvest
Processing fibre as soon in the year it was shorn is strongly recommended.
It is best not to 'save up' your fibre for years prior to having it milled. A number of factors can degrade the fibre over time. Fibre should be stored where it will stay dry, prevent moths and keep rodents out. Do not store in paper/ black garbage bags.
How to Choose
Custom milling offers you choice - let us know what you are thinking.
We are happy to assist you in refining your order details; however, we need to know from you what you are looking for. Once you send us the details required in the order (see below) - we can work with you to finalize the milling order plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to your commonly asked questions.
Our mill pricing is straight forward & competitive.
Our mill offers a variety of finished products including yarns, rovings, batts and felt insoles. A minimum of 10 lbs incoming weight per order is required; & includes a minimum of 3 lbs of incoming weight for each milled item.
Dehairing coarse fibre and blending with our inhouse selectin of natural fibres is recommended to produce a superior finished product.
Service Time
Our average turn is eighteen to twenty-two weeks.
Every mill order is scheduled on a first in - first out basis. The quality of incoming fibre, number of incoming pounds and products desired will determine how quickly your order can be completed. We maintain notes on fibre quality and milling process to share feedback with you as needed. A 50% deposit is required at time of booking to secure your place in our production schedule.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Save on shipping costs when you drop off fibre and pick up your finished order.
Incoming fibre is scheduled to be received at our mill after the deposit is received. When you order is complete, an itemized final invoice is emailed to you. Payment in full of the balance owing of is due by the date stated on the invoice. Upon receipt of final payment, we coordinate a date with you to pick up your finished products.
Ready to Place an Order?
Email us the details of your order to get started.
Email Your Order Request
To book your custom milling order send an email to Barb at: & provide the following details in full:
Contact Name/Farm Name
Full Mailing Address
Email and Phone Number
For each item to be milled include:
Estimated weight of fleece (lbs)
Type of Fibre Cut (Blanket/Neck)
Dehairing Service (Yes/No)
Blending Service (Yes/No) and
Product Desired (2 Ply, 3 Ply, Lopi, Rovings, Batts and/or Insoles)
Confirm Your Order Details
Once we receive your email, we will respond within 1 - 2 days. We may ask a few clarifying questions and/or make recommendations based on the information you provide prior to finalizing your order details.
Your order details will be emailed back to you with associated pricing for you to review & confirm. Once you have confirmed your order details, a 50% deposit is required in advance to secure your place in our production schedule.
Pack & Label for Drop Off
We provide information on how to package and label your fibre prior to receiving at our mill. Your support helps us to keep everyones incoming fibre tidy & organized on our end; and ensures your fibre is securely store on site. A mutual date will be coordinated after the deposit is received in order to plan to drop off your fibre at the mill.
Quality All the Way
"I'm new to farming and Barb helped me to understand what is important in preparing my fibre; and explained my choices. I was pleased with the service and my products were beautiful!"
Repeat Customer
"My yarns and rovings were lovely. I want you to know I am coming back next year with even more fibre to process! Thank you!"
Always Learning
"Barb's knowledge of fibre, her willingness to offer recommendations for milling are truly appreciated. She is able to answer my questions and took the time to explain so I coud learn and understand.”